python typescript


Welcome to XFT's docs! Here developers can find all the information they need for interacting with XFT. This includes documentation on market discovery, resolution, trading etc. Whether you are an academic researcher a market maker or an indy developer, this documentation should provide you what you need to get started. All the code you find linked here and on our GitHub is open source and free to use. If you have any questions please join our discord and direct your questions to the #devs channel.



Welcome to the XFT Order Book API! In this documentation you will find overviews, explanations, examples and annotations that aim to make interacting with the order book a breeze. In this section we will provide a general overview of the XFT Order Book and the purpose of the API before diving deep into the API and clients in following sections.


XFT's Order Book, also referred to as the "CLOB" (Central Limit Order Book) or "BLOB" (Binary Limit Order Book), is hybrid-decentralized wherein there is an operator that provides off-chain matching/ordering services while settlement/execution happens on-chain, non-custodially according to instructions provided by users in the form of signed order messages. This decentralized exchange model provides users with a powerful, non-custodial exchange experience.

Underlying the exchange system is a custom Exchange contract that facilitates atomic swaps (settlement) between binary Outcome Tokens (both CTF ERC1155 assets and ERC20 PToken assets) and a collateral asset (ERC20) according to signed limit orders. The Exchange contract is purpose built for binary markets (instruments that allow collateral to be split into positions and conversely positions to be merged into collateral with the two positions ultimately being settled to a price equal to 1). This allows "unification" of order books such that orders for a position and its complement can be matched. Explicitly, the Exchange allows for matching operations that include a mint/merge operation which allows orders for complementary outcome tokens to be crossed.

Orders are represented as signed typed structured data (EIP712). When orders are matched, one side is considered the maker and the other side is considered the taker. The relationship is always either one to one or many to one (maker to taker) and any price improvement is captured by the taker. The Operator is responsible for matching, ordering, and submitting matched trades to the underlying blockchain network for execution. As such, order placement and canellation can happen immediately off-chain while only the settlement action must occur on-chain.


The XFT Order Book API is a set of endpoints that allow market makers, traders, and other XFT users to programmatically create and manage orders for markets via access to the API provided by the operator.

Orders for any amount can be created and listed, or fetched and read from the order book for a given market. The API also provides data on all available markets, market prices, and order history through REST and WSS endpoints.


XFT's Exchange contract has been audited by Chainsecurity you can find the audit report here.

The operator has no special privileges outside of ordering, this means that the only actions you must trust them with is enforcing correct ordering, not censoring and removing cancellations (orders can also be cancelled on-chain if operator is not trusted). If the operator is not doing any of these activities fairly a user can simply stop interacting with the operator. The operator is never able to set prices for users, or execute any trade on the user's behalf outside of the signed limit orders the user creates.



Subject to change

Volume Level Maker Fee Base Rate (bps) Taker Fee Base Rate (bps)
>0 USDC 0 0


Fees are levied in the output asset (proceeds). Fees for binary options with a complementary relationship (ie A + A' = C) must be symmetric to preserve market integrity. Symmetric means that someone selling 100 shares of A @ $0.99 should pay the same fee value as someone buying 100 A' @ $0.01. An intuition for this requires understanding that minting/merging a complementary token set for collateral can happen at any time. Fees are thus implemented in the following manner.

If buying (ie receiving A or A'), the fee is levied on the proceed tokens. If selling (ie receiving C), the fee is levied on the proceed collateral. The base fee rate (baseFeeRate) is signed into the order struct. The base fee rate corresponds to % the fee rate paid by traders when the price of the two tokens is equal (ie $0.50 and $0.50). Moving away from a centered price, the following formulas are used to calculate the fees making sure to maintain symmetry.

Case 1: If selling outcome tokens (base) for collateral (quote):

$$ feeQuote = baseRate * \min(price, 1-price) * size $$

Case 2: If buying outcome tokens (base) with collateral (quote):

$$ feeBase = baseRate * \min(price, 1-price) * \frac{size}{price} $$

Additional Resources


The Exchange contract is deployed at the following addresses:

Network Address
Mumbai: 0x4bFb41d5B3570DeFd03C39a9A4D8dE6Bd8B8982E
Polygon: 0x4bFb41d5B3570DeFd03C39a9A4D8dE6Bd8B8982E




npm i -s @XFT/clob-client

yarn add @XFT/clob-client
pip install py-clob-client

XFT has implemented reference clients that allow programmatic use of the API below:


from py_clob_client.client import ClobClient

host: str = ""
key: str = ""
chain_id: int = 137

### Initialization of a client that trades directly from an EOA
client = ClobClient(host, key=key, chain_id=chain_id)

### Initialization of a client using a XFT Proxy associated with an Email/Magic account
client = ClobClient(host, key=key, chain_id=chain_id, signature_type=1, funder=XFT_PROXY_ADDRESS)

### Initialization of a client using a XFT Proxy associated with a Browser Wallet(Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, etc)
client = ClobClient(host, key=key, chain_id=chain_id, signature_type=2, funder=XFT_PROXY_ADDRESS)
import { ClobClient } from "XFT/clob-client";
import { SignatureType } from "@XFT/order-utils";

// Initialization of a client that trades directly from an EOA
const clobClient = new ClobClient(
  host as string,
  (await wallet.getChainId()) as number,
  wallet as ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner

// Initialization of a client using a XFT Proxy associated with an Email/Magic account
const clobClient = new ClobClient(
  host as string,
  (await wallet.getChainId()) as number,
  wallet as ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
  undefined, // creds

// Initialization of a client using a XFT Proxy Wallet associated with a Browser Wallet(Metamask, Coinbase Wallet)
const clobClient = new ClobClient(
  host as string,
  (await wallet.getChainId()) as number,
  wallet as ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
  undefined, // creds

Order Utils

XFT has implemented utility libraries to programmatically sign and generate orders:



Used for all CLOB REST endpoints, denoted {clob-endpoint}.


Used for all CLOB WSS endpoints, denoted {wss-channel}.



There are two levels of authentication to be considered when using XFT's CLOB. All signing can be handled directly by the client libraries.

L1: Private Key Authentication

The highest level of authentication is via an account's Polygon private key. The private key remains in control of a user's funds and as such all trading is non-custodial. The operator never has control over users' funds.

Private key authentication is required for the following operations:

L1 Header

Header Required? Description
POLY_ADDRESS yes Polygon address
POLY_SIGNATURE yes CLOB EIP 712 signature
POLY_TIMESTAMP yes current UNIX timestamp
POLY_NONCE yes Nonce. Default 0

The POLY_SIGNATURE is generated by signing the following EIP712 struct:

const domain = {
  name: "ClobAuthDomain",
  version: "1",
  chainId: chainId, // Polygon ChainID 137

const types = {
  ClobAuth: [
    { name: "address", type: "address" },
    { name: "timestamp", type: "string" },
    { name: "nonce", type: "uint256" },
    { name: "message", type: "string" },
const value = {
  address: signingAddress, // the Signing address
  timestamp: ts, // The CLOB API server timestamp
  nonce: nonce, // The nonce used
  message: "This message attests that I control the given wallet", // A static message indicating that the user controls the wallet
const sig = await signer._signTypedData(domain, types, value);

Implementations exist in the Typescript and Python clients

L2: API Key Authentication

The next level of authentication consists of the API key, secret and passphrase which are used solely to authenticate API requests made to XFT's CLOB. This includes operations such as posting/canceling orders or retrieving an account's orders and fills.

When a user on-boards via POST /auth/api-key, the server will use the signature as a seed to deterministically generate credentials. An API credential includes three fields:

key: UUID identifying the credentials.

secret: Secret string used to generate HMACs, not sent with requests.

passphrase: Secret string sent with each request, used to encrypt/decrypt the secret in our DB, and never stored in our DB.

All requests which are not signed by a private key (/auth/api-key) and which are made to private endpoints require an API key signature.

L2 Header

Header Required? Description
POLY_ADDRESS yes Polygon address
POLY_SIGNATURE yes HMAC signature for request
POLY_TIMESTAMP yes request UNIX timestamp
POLY_PASSPHRASE yes XFT API key passphrase

Create API Key

Create new API key credentials for a user.

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/auth/api-key

const creds = await clobClient.createApiKey(); // nonce defaults to 0
creds = client.create_api_key()

The above request returns a JSON structured like this:

  "apiKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx",
  "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=",
  "passphrase": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Derive API Key

Derive an existing API key for an address and nonce.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/auth/derive-api-key

const creds = await clobClient.deriveApiKey(); // nonce defaults to 0
creds = client.derive_api_key() ## nonce defaults to 0

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "apiKey": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=",
  "passphrase": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Get API Keys

Get all api keys associated with a Polygon address.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/auth/api-keys

const apiKeys = await clobClient.getApiKeys();
api_keys = client.get_api_keys()

The above command returns a JSON structured like this:

  "apiKeys": [ "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", ... ]

Delete API Key

Deletes API used to authenticate the request.

HTTP Request

DELETE {clob-endpoint}/auth/api-key

const resp = await clobClient.deleteApiKey();
resp = clob_client.delete_api_key()

If successful, the above command returns an "OK" string value:




All orders are expressed as limit orders (can be marketable). The underlying order primitive must be in the form expected and executable by the on-chain binary limit order protocol contract. Preparing such an order is quite involved (structuring, hashing, signing), thus XFT suggests using the open source typescript, python and golang libraries.


To place an order, allowances must be set by the funder address for the specified maker asset for the Exchange contract. When buying, this means the funder must have set a USDC allowance greater than or equal to the spending amount. When selling, the funder must have set an allowance for the conditional token tht is greater than or equal to the selling amount. This allows the Exchange contract to execute settlement according to the signed order instructions created by a user and matched by the operator.

Signature Types

XFT's CLOB supports 3 signature types. Orders must identify what signature type they use. The available typescript and python clients abstract the complexity of signing and preparing orders with the following signature types by allowing a funder address and signer type to be specified on initialization. The supported signature types are:

Type ID Description
EOA 0 EIP712 signature signed by an EOA
POLY_PROXY 1 EIP712 signatures signed by a signer associated with funding XFT proxy wallet
POLY_GNOSIS_SAFE 2 EIP712 signatures signed by a signer associated with funding XFT gnosis safe wallet

Validity Checks

Orders are continually monitored to make sure they remain valid. Specifically, this includes continually tracking underlying balances, allowances and on-chain order cancellations. Any maker that is caught intentionally abusing these checks (which are essentially real time) will be blacklisted.

Additionally, there are rails on order placement in a market. Specifically, you can only place orders that sum to less than or equal to your available balance for each market. For example if you have 500 USDC in your funding wallet, you can place one order to buy 1000 YES in marketA @ $.50, then any additional buy orders to that market will be rejected since your entire balance is reserved for the first (and only) buy order. More explicitly the max size you can place for an order is:

$$ maxOrderSize = underlyingAssetBalance - \sum(orderSize - orderFillAmount) $$

Create and Place an Order

Create and place an order using the XFT CLOB API clients. All orders are represented as "limit" orders, but "market" orders are enabled by allowing marketable limit orders, which are executed on input at the best price available. Thus to place a market order, simply ensure your price is marketable against current resting limit orders.

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/order

// GTC Order example
import { Side, OrderType } from "@XFT/clob-client";

async function main() {
  // Create a buy order for 100 YES for 0.50c
  // YES: 71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563
  const order = await clobClient.createOrder({
    price: 0.5,
    side: Side.BUY,
    size: 100,
    feeRateBps: 100,
    nonce: 1,
  console.log("Created Order", order);

  // Send it to the server

  // GTC Order
  const resp = await clobClient.postOrder(order, OrderType.GTC);

// GTD Order example
import { Side, OrderType } from "@XFT/clob-client";

async function main() {
  // Create a buy order for 100 YES for 0.50c that expires in 1 minute
  // YES: 71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563

  const oneMinute = parseInt(
    ((new Date().getTime() + 60 * 1000 + 10 * 1000) / 1000).toString()

  const order = await clobClient.createOrder({
    price: 0.5,
    side: Side.BUY,
    size: 100,
    feeRateBps: 100,
    nonce: 1,
    expiration: oneMinute,
  console.log("Created Order", order);

  // Send it to the server

  // GTD Order
  const resp = await clobClient.postOrder(order, OrderType.GTD);

// FOK Order example
import { Side, OrderType } from "@XFT/clob-client";

async function main() {
  // Create a buy order for 100 YES for 0.50c that expires in 1 minute
  // YES: 71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563

  const oneMinute = parseInt(
    ((new Date().getTime() + 60 * 1000 + 10 * 1000) / 1000).toString()

  const marketOrder = await clobClient.createMarketBuyOrder({
    amount: 100,
    feeRateBps: 0,
    nonce: 0,
    price: 0.5,
  console.log("Created Order", order);

  // Send it to the server

  // FOK Order
  const resp = await clobClient.postOrder(order, OrderType.FOK);

## GTC Order
from py_clob_client.clob_types import OrderArgs, OrderType
from py_clob_client.order_builder.constants import BUY

## Create and sign a limit order buying 100 YES tokens for 0.50c each
order_args = OrderArgs(
signed_order = client.create_order(order_args)

## GTC Order
resp = client.post_order(signed_order, OrderType.GTC)
## GTD Order
from py_clob_client.clob_types import OrderArgs, OrderType
from py_clob_client.order_builder.constants import BUY

## Create and sign a limit order buying 100 YES tokens for 0.50c each
order_args = OrderArgs(
signed_order = client.create_order(order_args)

## GTD Order
resp = client.post_order(signed_order, OrderType.GTD)

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
order yes Order signed order object
owner yes string api key of oder owner
orderType yes string order type ("FOK", "GTC", "GTD")

An Order object is of the form:

Name Required Type Description
salt yes integer random salt used to create unique order
maker yes string maker address (funder)
signer yes string signing address
taker yes string taker address (operator)
tokenId yes string ERC1155 token ID of conditional token being traded
makerAmount yes string maximum amount maker is willing to spend
takerAmount yes string minimum amount taker must pay the maker in return
expiration yes string unix expiration timestamp
nonce yes string maker's Exchange nonce the order is associated with
feeRateBps yes string fee rate in basis points as required by the operator
side yes string buy or sell enum index
signatureType yes integer signature type enum index
signature yes string hex encoded signature
Order types:

Response Format

Name Type Description
success boolean boolean indicating server-side error (if success == false -> server-side error)
errorMsg string error message in case of unsuccessful placement (in case success == true && errorMsg != '' -> client-side error, the reason is in errorMsg)
orderID string id of order
transactionsHashes string[] hash of settlement transaction if order was marketable and triggered a match action
status string order status

Insert Errors/Messages

If the errorMsg field of the response object from placement is not an empty string the order was not able to be immediately placed. This might be because of a delay or because of a failure. If the success is not true then there was an issue placing the order. The following errors/messages are possible.

Error Failure? Message Description
INVALID_ORDER_MIN_TICK_SIZE yes order is invalid. Price () breaks minimum tick size rule: order price isn't accurate to correct tick sizing
INVALID_ORDER_MIN_SIZE yes order is invalid. Size () lower than the minimum: order size must meet min size threshold requirement
INVALID_ORDER_DUPLICATED yes order is invalid. Duplicated. same order has already been placed, can't be placed again
INVALID_ORDER_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE yes not enough balance / allowance funder address doesn't have sufficient balance or allowance for order
INVALID_ORDER_EXPIRATION yes invalid expiration expiration field expresses a time before now
INSERT_ORDER_ERROR yes could not insert order system error while inserting order
EXECUTION_ERROR yes could not run the execution system error while attempting to execute trade
ORDER_DELAYED no order match delayed due to market conditions order placement delayed
DELAYING_ORDER_ERROR yes error delaying the order system error while delaying order
FOK_ORDER_NOT_FILLED_ERROR yes order couldn't be fully filled. FOK orders are fully filled or killed. FOK order not fully filled so can't be placed
MARKET_NOT_READY no the market is not yet ready to process new orders system not accepting orders for market yet

Insert Statuses

When placing an order, a status field is included. This status field provides additional information regarding the order's state as a result of the placement. Possible values include:

Status Description
live order placed and live
matched order matched (marketable)
delayed order marketable, but subject to matching delay
unmatched order marketable, but failure delaying, placement not successful

Get Order

Get single order by id.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/data/order/{order hash}

async function main() {
  const order = await clobClient.getOrder(

order = clob_client.get_order("0xb816482a5187a3d3db49cbaf6fe3ddf24f53e6c712b5a4bf5e01d0ec7b11dabc")

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
id no string id of order to get information about

Response Format

Name Type Description
null OpenOrder order if it is exists

An OpenOrder object is of the form:

Name Type Description
associate_trades string[] any Trade id the order has been partially included in
id string order id
status string order current status
market string market id (condition id)
original_size string original order size at placement
outcome string human readable outcome the order is for
maker_address string maker address (funder)
owner string api key
price string price
side string buy or sell
size_matched string size of order that has been matched/filled
asset_id string token id
expiration string unix timestamp when the order expired, 0 if it does not expire
type string order type (GTC, FOK, GTD)
created_at string unix timestamp when the order was created

Check if an order is scoring

Returns a boolean value where it is indicated if an order is scoring or not.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/order-scoring?order_id={...}

async function main() {
  const scoring = await clobClient.isOrderScoring({
    orderId: "0x...",

scoring = client.is_order_scoring(

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
orderId yes string id of order to get information about

Response Format

Name Type Description
null OrderScoring order scoring data

An OrderScoring object is of the form:

Name Type Description
scoring boolean indicates if the order is scoring or not

Check if some orders are scoring

Returns a a dictionary with boolean value where it is indicated if an order is scoring or not.

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/orders-scoring

async function main() {
  const scoring = await clobClient.areOrdersScoring({
    orderIds: ["0x..."],

scoring = client.are_orders_scoring(

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
orderIds yes string[] ids of the orders to get information about

Response Format

Name Type Description
null OrdersScoring orders scoring data

An OrdersScoring object is a dictionary that indicates order by order if it scores:

  "0x0": true,
  "0x1": false

Get Active Orders

Get active order(s) for a specific market.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/data/orders

async function main() {
  const resp = await clobClient.getOpenOrders({

from py_clob_client.clob_types import OpenOrderParams

resp = client.get_orders(

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
id no string id of order to get information about
market no string condition id of market
asset_id no string id of the asset/token

Response Format

Name Type Description
null OpenOrder[] list of open orders filtered by query parameters

Cancel an Order

Cancel an order.

HTTP Request

DELETE {clob-endpoint}/order

async function main() {
  // Send it to the server
  const resp = await clobClient.cancelOrder({
resp = client.cancel(order_id="0x38a73eed1e6d177545e9ab027abddfb7e08dbe975fa777123b1752d203d6ac88")

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
orderID yes string ID of order to cancel

Response Format

Name Type Description
canceled string[] list of canceled orders
not_canceled { } a order id - reason map that explains why that order couldn't be canceled

Cancel orders

Cancel many orders.

HTTP Request

DELETE {clob-endpoint}/orders

async function main() {
  // Send it to the server
  const resp = await clobClient.cancelOrders([
resp = client.cancel_orders(["0x38a73eed1e6d177545e9ab027abddfb7e08dbe975fa777123b1752d203d6ac88", "0xaaaa..."])

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
null yes string[] IDs of the orders to cancel

Response Format

Name Type Description
canceled string[] list of canceled orders
not_canceled { } a order id - reason map that explains why that order couldn't be canceled

Cancel All Orders

Cancel all open orders posted by a user.

HTTP Request

DELETE {clob-endpoint}/cancel-all

async function main() {
  const resp = await clobClient.cancelAll();

resp = client.cancel_all()

Response Format

Name Type Description
canceled string[] list of canceled orders
not_canceled { } a order id - reason map that explains why that order couldn't be canceled

Cancel orders from market

Cancel orders from market.

HTTP Request

DELETE {clob-endpoint}/cancel-market-orders

async function main() {
  // Send it to the server
  const resp = await clobClient.cancelMarketOrders({
resp = client.cancel_market_orders(market="0xbd31dc8a20211944f6b70f31557f1001557b59905b7738480ca09bd4532f84af", asset_id="52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426")

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
market no string condition id of the market
asset_id no string id of the asset/token

Response Format

Name Type Description
canceled string[] list of canceled orders
not_canceled { } a order id - reason map that explains why that order couldn't be canceled



All historical trades can be fetched via the XFT CLOB REST API. A trade is initiated by a "taker" who creates a marketable limit order. This limit order can be matched against one or more resting limit orders on the associated book. A trade can be in various states as described below. Note in some cases (due to gas limitations) the execution of a "trade" must be broken into multiple transactions in which case separate trade entities will be returned. To make these trade entires associable, there is a bucket_index field, a market_order field and a match_time field. Trades that have been broken into multiple trade objects can be reconciled by combining trade objects with the same market_order, match_time and incrementing bucket_indexs into a top level "trade" client side.


Status Terminal? Description
MATCHED no trade has been matched and sent to the executor service by the operator, the executor service submits the trade as a transaction to the Exchange contract
MINED no trade is observed to be mined into the chain, no finality threshold established
CONFIRMED yes trade has achieved strong probabilistic finality and was successful
RETRYING no trade transaction has failed (revert or reorg) and is being retried/resubmitted by the operator
FAILED yes trade has failed and is not being retried

Get Trades

Get trades for the authenticated user based on the provided filters.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/data/trades

async function main() {
  const trades = await clobClient.getTrades({
    maker_address: await wallet.getAddress(),
  console.log(`trades: `);

from py_clob_client.clob_types import TradeParams

resp = client.get_trades(

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
id no string id of trade to fetch
taker taker or maker string address to get trades for where it is included as a taker
maker maker or taker string address to get trades for where it is included as a maker
market no string market for which to get trades for (condition ID)
before no string unix timestamp representing the cutoff up to which trades that happened before then can be included
after no string unix timestamp representing the cutoff for which trades that happened after can be included

Response Format

Name Type Description
null Trade[] list of trades filtered by query parameters

A Trade object is of the form:

Name Type Description
id string trade id
taker_order_id string hash of taker order (market order) that catalyzed the trade
market string market id (condition id)
asset_id string asset id (token id) of taker order (market order)
side string buy or sell
size string size
fee_rate_bps string the fees paid for the taker order expressed in basic points
price string limit price of taker order
status string trade status (see above)
match_time string time at which the trade was matched
last_update string timestamp of last status update
outcome string human readable outcome of the trade
maker_address string funder address of the taker of the trade
owner string api key of taker of the trade
transaction_hash string hash of the transaction where the trade was executed
bucket_index integer index of bucket for trade in case trade is executed in multiple transactions
maker_orders MakerOrder[] list of maker trades the taker trade was filled against
type string side of the trade: TAKER or MAKER

A MakerOrder object is of the form:

Name Type Description
order_id string id of maker order
maker_address string maker address of the order
owner string api key of the owner of the order
matched_amount string size of maker order consumed with this trade
fee_rate_bps string the fees paid for the taker order expressed in basic points
price string price of maker order
asset_id string token/asset id
outcome string human readable outcome of the maker order


Get Markets

Get available CLOB markets (paginated).

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/markets?next_cursor={next_cursor}

async function main() {
  const markets = await clobClient.getMarkets("");
  console.log(`markets: `);

resp = client.get_markets(next_cursor = "")

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
next_cursor no string cursor to start with, used for traversing paginated response

Response Format

Name Type Description
limit number limit of results on a single page
count number number of results
next_cursor string pagination item to retrieve the next page base64 encoded. 'LTE=' means the end and empty ('') means the beginning
data Market[] list of markets

A Market object is of the form:

Name Type Description
condition_id string id of market which is also the CTF condition ID
question_id string question id of market which is also the CTF question ID which is used to derive the condition_id
tokens Tokens[2] binary token pair for market
rewards Rewards rewards related data
minimum_order_size string minimum limit order size
minimum_tick_size string minimum tick size in units of implied probability (max price resolution)
description string market description
category string market category
end_date_iso string iso string of market end date
game_start_time string iso string of game start time which is used to trigger delay
question string question
market_slug string slug of market
min_incentive_size string minimum resting order size for incentive qualification
max_incentive_spread string max spread up to which orders are qualified for incentives (in cents)
active boolean boolean indicating whether market is active/live
closed boolean boolean indicating whether market is closed/open
seconds_delay integer seconds of match delay for in-game trading
icon string reference to market icon image
fpmm string address of associated fixed product market maker on Polygon network

Where the Token object is of the form:

Name Type Description
token_id string erc1155 token id
outcome string human readable outcome

Where the Rewards object is of the form:

Name Type Description
min_size number min size of an order to score
max_spread number max spread from the midpoint until an order scores
event_start_date string string date when the event starts
event_end_date string string date when the event end
in_game_multiplier number reward multiplier while the game has started
reward_epoch number current reward epoch

Get Sampling Markets

Get available CLOB markets that have rewards enabled.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/sampling-markets?next_cursor={next_cursor}

async function main() {
  const markets = await clobClient.getSamplingMarkets("");
  console.log(`markets: `);

resp = client.get_sampling_markets(next_cursor = "")

Response Format

Name Type Description
limit number limit of results on a single page
count number number of results
next_cursor string pagination item to retrieve the next page base64 encoded. 'LTE=' means the end and empty ('') means the beginning
data Market[] list of sampling markets

Get Simplified Markets

Get available CLOB markets expresed in a reduced schema.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/simplified-markets?next_cursor={next_cursor}

async function main() {
  const markets = await clobClient.getSimplifiedMarkets("");
  console.log(`markets: `);

resp = client.get_simplified_markets(next_cursor = "")

Response Format

Name Type Description
limit number limit of results on a single page
count number number of results
next_cursor string pagination item to retrieve the next page base64 encoded. 'LTE=' means the end and empty ('') means the beginning
data SimplifiedMarket[] list of markets

A SimplifiedMarket object is of the form:

Name Type Description
condition_id string id of market which is also the CTF condition ID
tokens Tokens[2] binary token pair for market
rewards Rewards rewards related data
min_incentive_size string minimum resting order size for incentive qualification
max_incentive_spread string max spread up to which orders are qualified for incentives (in cents)
active boolean boolean indicating whether market is active/live
closed boolean boolean indicating whether market is closed/open

Get Sampling Simplified Markets

Get available CLOB markets expresed in a reduced schema that have rewards enabled.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/sampling-simplified-markets?next_cursor={next_cursor}

async function main() {
  const markets = await clobClient.getSamplingSimplifiedMarkets("");
  console.log(`markets: `);

resp = client.get_sampling_simplified_markets(next_cursor = "")

Response Format

Name Type Description
limit number limit of results on a single page
count number number of results
next_cursor string pagination item to retrieve the next page base64 encoded. 'LTE=' means the end and empty ('') means the beginning
data SimplifiedMarket[] list of sampling markets

Get Market

Get a single CLOB market.

async function main() {
  const market = await clobClient.getMarket("condition_id");
  console.log(`market: `);

resp = client.get_market(condition_id = "...")

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/markets/{condition_id}

Response Format

Name Type Description
market Market market object

Prices and Books

Get Book

Get a order book summary for a market.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/book

async function main() {
  const resp = await clobClient.getOrderBook(

Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID of market to get book for

Response Format

Name Type Description
market string condition id
asset_id string id of the asset/token
hash string hash summary of the orderbook content
bids OrderSummary[] list of bid levels
asks OrderSummary[] list of ask levels

A OrderSummary object is of the form:

Name Type Description
price string price
size string size

Get Books

Get order book summaries for a set of markets.

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/books

async function main() {
  const YES =
  const NO =

  const orderbooks = await clobClient.getOrderBooks([
    { token_id: YES },
    { token_id: NO },
  ] as BookParams[]);


Request Parameters

Name Required Type Description
params yes BookParams search params for books

A BookParams object is of the form:

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID of market to get book for

Response Format

Name Type Description
- Orderbook[] list orderbooks

A Orderbook object is of the form:

Name Type Description
market string condition id
asset_id string id of the asset/token
hash string hash summary of the orderbook content
bids OrderSummary[] list of bid levels
asks OrderSummary[] list of ask levels

A OrderSummary object is of the form:

Name Type Description
price string price
size string size

Get Price

Get the price for a market (best bid or best ask).

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/price

async function main() {
  const YES_TOKEN_ID =
  const NO_TOKEN_ID =

    .getPrice(YES_TOKEN_ID, "buy")
    .then((price: any) => console.log("YES", "BUY", price));
    .getPrice(YES_TOKEN_ID, "sell")
    .then((price: any) => console.log("YES", "SELL", price));
    .getPrice(NO_TOKEN_ID, "buy")
    .then((price: any) => console.log("NO", "BUY", price));
    .getPrice(NO_TOKEN_ID, "sell")
    .then((price: any) => console.log("NO", "SELL", price));
        token_id="71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563", side="buy

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID to get price for
side yes string buy or sell


{"price": ".513"}

Get Prices

Get the prices for a group of markets (best bid or best ask).

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/prices

async function main() {
  const YES =
  const NO =

  const prices = await clobClient.getPrices([
    { token_id: YES, side: Side.BUY },
    { token_id: YES, side: Side.SELL },
    { token_id: NO, side: Side.BUY },
    { token_id: NO, side: Side.SELL },
  ] as BookParams[]);
resp = client.get_prices(

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
params yes BookParams search params for books

A BookParams object is of the form:

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID of market to get book for
side yes string BUY or SELL


{[asset_id]: {[side]: price}}

  "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426": {
    "BUY": "0.49",
    "SELL": "0.5"
  "71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563": {
    "BUY": "0.5",
    "SELL": "0.51"

Get Midpoint

Get the midpoint price for a market (halfway between best bid or best ask).

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/midpoint

async function main() {
  const resp = client.getMidpoint(
    (tokenID =
resp = client.get_midpoint(

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID market to get price for


{'mid': '0.55'}

Get Midpoints

Get the midpoint prices for a set of market (halfway between best bid or best ask).

HTTP Request

POST {clob-endpoint}/midpoints

async function main() {
  const YES =
  const NO =

  const midpoints = await clobClient.getMidpoints([
    { token_id: YES },
    { token_id: NO },
  ] as BookParams[]);
resp = client.get_midpoints(

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
params yes BookParams search params for books

A BookParams object is of the form:

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID of market to get book for


{[asset_id]: mid price

  "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426": "0.495",
  "71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563": "0.505"

Get spread

Get the spreads for a market.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/spread

async function main() {
  const YES_TOKEN_ID =
  const NO_TOKEN_ID =

    .then((spread: any) => console.log("YES", spread));
    .then((spread: any) => console.log("NO", spread));

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID to get the spread for


{"spread": ".513"}

Get spreads

Get the spreads for a set of markets.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/spread

async function main() {
  const YES =
  const NO =

  const spreads = await clobClient.getSpreads([
    { token_id: YES },
    { token_id: NO },
  ] as BookParams[]);
resp = client.get_spreads(

Request Payload Parameters

Name Required Type Description
params yes BookParams search params for books

A BookParams object is of the form:

Name Required Type Description
token_id yes string token ID of market to get book for


{[asset_id]: spread

  "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426": "0.01",
  "71321045679252212594626385532706912750332728571942532289631379312455583992563": "0.01"

Websocket API


The XFT CLOP API provides websocket (wss) channels through which clients can get pushed updates. These endpoints allow clients to maintain almost real-time views of their orders, their trades and markets in general. There are two available channels user and market.


To subscribe send a message including the following authenticating and intent information upon opening the connection.

Field Type Description
auth Auth see WSS Authentication
markets string[] array of markets (condition IDs) to receive events for (for user channel)
assets_ids string[] array of asset ids (token IDs) to receive events for (for market channel)
type string id of channel to subscribe to (User or Market)

where the auth field is of type Auth which has the form described in the WSS Authentication section below.

WSS Authentication

Field Optional Description
apiKey yes Polygon account's CLOB api key
secret yes Polygon account's CLOB api secret
passphrase yes Polygon account's CLOB api passphrase

User Channel

Authenticated channel for updates related to user activities (orders, trades), filtered for authenticated user (by apiKey).

SUBSCRIBE {wss-channel} user

trade Message

  "asset_id": "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426",
  "event_type": "trade",
  "id": "28c4d2eb-bbea-40e7-a9f0-b2fdb56b2c2e",
  "last_update": "1672290701",
  "maker_orders": [
      "asset_id": "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426",
      "matched_amount": "10",
      "order_id": "0xff354cd7ca7539dfa9c28d90943ab5779a4eac34b9b37a757d7b32bdfb11790b",
      "outcome": "YES",
      "owner": "9180014b-33c8-9240-a14b-bdca11c0a465",
      "price": "0.57"
  "market": "0xbd31dc8a20211944f6b70f31557f1001557b59905b7738480ca09bd4532f84af",
  "matchtime": "1672290701",
  "outcome": "YES",
  "owner": "9180014b-33c8-9240-a14b-bdca11c0a465",
  "price": "0.57",
  "side": "BUY",
  "size": "10",
  "status": "MATCHED",
  "taker_order_id": "0x06bc63e346ed4ceddce9efd6b3af37c8f8f440c92fe7da6b2d0f9e4ccbc50c42",
  "time": "1672290701",
  "trade_owner": "9180014b-33c8-9240-a14b-bdca11c0a465",
  "type": "TRADE"

Emitted when:


Name Type Description
asset_id string asset id (token ID) of taker order (market order)
event_type string "trade"
id string trade id
last_update string time of last update to trade
maker_orders MakerOrder[] array of maker order match details
market string market identifier (condition ID)
matchtime string time trade was matched
outcome string outcome
owner string api key of event owner
price string price
side string BUY/SELL
size string size
status string trade status
taker_order_id string id of taker order
time string time of event
trade_owner string api key of trade owner
type string "TRADE"

Where a MakerOrder object is of the form:

Name Type Description
asset_id string asset id of the maker order
matched_amount string amount of maker order matched in trade
order_id string maker order ID
outcome string outcome
owner string owner of marker order
price string price of maker order

order Message

  "asset_id": "52114319501245915516055106046884209969926127482827954674443846427813813222426",
  "associate_trades": null,
  "event_type": "order",
  "id": "0xff354cd7ca7539dfa9c28d90943ab5779a4eac34b9b37a757d7b32bdfb11790b",
  "market": "0xbd31dc8a20211944f6b70f31557f1001557b59905b7738480ca09bd4532f84af",
  "order_owner": "9180014b-33c8-9240-a14b-bdca11c0a465",
  "original_size": "10",
  "outcome": "YES",
  "owner": "9180014b-33c8-9240-a14b-bdca11c0a465",
  "price": "0.57",
  "side": "SELL",
  "size_matched": "0",
  "time": "1672290687",
  "type": "PLACEMENT"

Emitted when:


Name Type Description
asset_id string asset ID (token ID) of order
associate_trades string[] array of ids referencing trades that the order has been included in
event_type string "order"
id string order id
market string condition ID of market
order_owner string owner of order
original_size string original order size
outcome string outcome string
owner string owner of order
price string price of order
side string BUY/SELL
size_matched string size of order that has been matched
time string time of event

Market Channel

Public channel for updates related to market updates (level 2 price data).

SUBSCRIBE {wss-channel} market

book Message

  "event_type": "book",
  "asset_id": "65818619657568813474341868652308942079804919287380422192892211131408793125422",
  "market": "0xbd31dc8a20211944f6b70f31557f1001557b59905b7738480ca09bd4532f84af",
  "buys": [
    { "price": ".48", "size": "30" },
    { "price": ".49", "size": "20" },
    { "price": ".50", "size": "15" }
  "sells": [
    { "price": ".52", "size": "25" },
    { "price": ".53", "size": "60" },
    { "price": ".54", "size": "10" }

Emitted When:


Name Type Description
event_type string "book"
asset_id string asset ID (token ID)
market string condition ID of market
buys OrderSummary[] list of type {size, price} aggregate book levels for buys
sells OrderSummary[] list of type {size, price} aggregate book levels for sells

Where a OrderSummary object is of the form:

Name Type Description
price string size available at that price level
size string price of the orderbook level

price_change Message

"event_type": "price_change",
"asset_id": "65818619657568813474341868652308942079804919287380422192892211131408793125422",\
"market": "0xbd31dc8a20211944f6b70f31557f1001557b59905b7738480ca09bd4532f84af",
"price": "0.51",
"size": "10.0",
"side": "buy",
"time": "1666716712",

Emitted When:


Name Type Description
event_type string "price_change"
asset_id string asset ID (token ID)
market string condition ID of market
price string price level affected
size string new aggregate size for price level
side string buy/sell
time string time of event

Timeseries Data

The CLOB provides detailed price history data for each traded token.

HTTP Request

GET {clob-endpoint}/prices-history

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
market number the CLOB token id for which to fetch price history
startTs number the start time, a unix timestamp in UTC
endTs number the end time, a unix timestamp in UTC
interval string a string representing a duration ending at the current time
fidelity number the resolution of the data, in minutes

The query parameters startTs/endTs are mutually exclusive to interval. The options for interval are:

Example Response Format

Name Type Description
history TimeseriesPoint[] list of timestamp/price pairs

A TimeseriesPoint object is of the form:

Name Type Description
t number utc timestamp
p number price

Gamma Markets API


All market data necessary for market resolution is available on-chain (ie ancillaryData in UMA OO request) but XFT also provides a hosted service, Gamma, that indexes this data and provides additional market metadata (ie categorization, indexed volume, etc). This service is made available through a REST API. For public users, this resource is read only and can be used to fetch useful information about markets for things like non-profit research projects, alternative trading interfaces, automated trading systems etc.


Market Organization

Gamma provides some organizational models. These include events, and markets. The most fundamental element is always markets and the other models simply provide additional organization.


  1. Market
    1. Contains data related to a market that is traded on. Maps onto a pair of clob token ids, a market maker address, a question id and a condition id
  2. Event
    1. Contains a set of markets
    2. Variants:
      1. Event with 1 market (i.e. resulting in an SMP)
      2. Event with 2 or more markets (i.e. resulting in an GMP)



Get markets.

Note: Markets can be traded via the CLOB if enableOrderBook is true.

HTTP Request

GET {gamma-endpoint}/markets

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit number limit query results
offset number pagination offset
order string key to sort by
ascending boolean sort direction, defaults to true, requires the order parameter
id number id of a single market to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple markets
slug string slug of a single event to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple markets
archived boolean filter by archived status
active boolean filter by active status
closed boolean filter by closed status
clob_token_ids string filter by clob token id, can be used multiple times
condition_ids string filter by condition id, can be used multiple times
liquidity_num_min decimal filter by minimum liquidity
liquidity_num_max decimal filter by maximum liquidity
volume_num_min decimal filter by minimum volume
volume_num_max decimal filter by maximum volume
start_date_min string filter by minimum start date
start_date_max string filter by maximum start date
end_date_min string filter by minimum end date
end_date_max string filter by maximum end date
tag_id number filter by tag id
related_tags boolean include events with related tags, requires the tag_id parameter

Example Queries


Example Response Format

Name Type Description
markets Market[] list of markets

Single Market

Get a single event by id.

HTTP Request

GET {gamma-endpoint}/markets/{id}

Example Query



Get events.

HTTP Request

GET {gamma-endpoint}/events

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit number limit query results
offset number pagination offset
order string key to sort by
ascending boolean sort direction, defaults to true, requires the order parameter
id number id of a single event to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple events
slug string slug of a single event to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple events
archived boolean filter by archived status
active boolean filter by active status
closed boolean filter by closed status
liquidity_min decimal filter by minimum liquidity
liquidity_max decimal filter by maximum liquidity
volume_min decimal filter by minimum volume
volume_max decimal filter by maximum volume
start_date_min string filter by minimum start date
start_date_max string filter by maximum start date
end_date_min string filter by minimum end date
end_date_max string filter by maximum end date
tag string filter by tag labels
tag_id number filter by tag id
related_tags boolean include events with related tags, requires the tag_id parameter
tag_slug string filter by tag slug

Example Queries


Example Response Format

Name Type Description
events Event[] list of events

Single Event

Get a single event by id.

HTTP Request

GET {gamma-endpoint}/events/{id}

Example Query




XFT has written and open sourced a subgraph that provides, via a GraphQL query interface, useful aggregate calculations and event indexing for things like trade, volume, user position, market and liquidity data. The subgraph updates in real time as blocks are mined, and is reorg-aware. The subgraph underlies the primary interface, providing positional data, activity history and more. The subgraph can be hosted by anyone but is also hosted and made publicly available by a 3rd party provider, Goldsky.


The Polymaket subgraph is entirely open source and can be found on the XFT Github.


Note: The available models/schemas can be found in the schema.graphql file.

Hosted Version

The hosted version and accompany GraphQL playground can be found here


All market resolution is completely decentralized. A majority of markets on XFT are resolved via UMA's optimistic oracle, the rest (some price markets) are resoled via Pyth.



XFT leverages UMA's Optimistic Oracle (OO) to resolve arbitrary questions, permissionlessly. From UMA's docs:

"UMA's Optimistic Oracle allows contracts to quickly request and receive data information. The Optimistic Oracle acts as a generalized escalation game between contracts that initiate a price request and UMA's dispute resolution system known as the Data Verification Mechanism (DVM). Prices proposed by the Optimistic Oracle will not be sent to the DVM unless it is disputed. If a dispute is raised, a request is sent to the DVM. All contracts built on UMA use the DVM as a backstop to resolve disputes. Disputes sent to the DVM will be resolved within a few days - after UMA tokenholders vote on what the correct outcome should have been."

To allow CTF markets to be resolved via the OO, XFT developed a custom adapter contract called UmaCtfAdapter that provides a way for the two contract systems to interface.


Recent versions (v2+) of the UmaCtfAdapter also include a bulletin board feature that allows market creators to issue "clarifications". Questions that allow updates will include the sentence in their ancillary data:

"Updates made by the question creator via the bulletin board at 0x6A9D222616C90FcA5754cd1333cFD9b7fb6a4F74 as described by should be considered”

Where the transaction referenced includes a message outlining what should and shouldn't be considered. In summary, only clarifications that do not impact the question's intent should be considered.

Resolution Process


Possible Flows:

When the first proposed price is disputed for a questionId on the adapter, a callback is made that resets the questionId, making a new request to the OO (the reward is returned before the callback is made and posted as the reward for this new proposal). This means a second proposal is required for a questionId to resolve, and correspondingly a second dispute is required for it to go to the DVM. The thinking behind here is it doubles the cost of a potential griefing vector (two disputes are required versus just one) and also allows fat-fingered (incorrect) first price proposals to not delay resolution. As such we have the following possible resolution flows:

Deployed Addresses


Network Address
Polygon Mainnet 0x71392E133063CC0D16F40E1F9B60227404Bc03f7
Mumbai 0x71392E133063CC0D16F40E1F9B60227404Bc03f7


Network Address
Polygon Mainnet 0x6A9D222616C90FcA5754cd1333cFD9b7fb6a4F74
Mumbai 0x6A9D222616C90FcA5754cd1333cFD9b7fb6a4F74


Network Address
Polygon Mainnet 0xCB1822859cEF82Cd2Eb4E6276C7916e692995130
Mumbai 0xCB1822859cEF82Cd2Eb4E6276C7916e692995130

Additional Resources


Coming soon


XFT provides incentives aimed at catalyzing the supply and demand side of the marketplace. Specifically there is a public liquidity rewards program as well as one-ff public pnl/volume competitions.

Liquidity Rewards Program


By posting resting limit orders, liquidity providers (makers) are automatically eligible for XFT's incentive program. The overall goal of this program is to catalyze a healthy, liquid marketplace. We can further define this as creating incentives that:

This program is heavily inspired by dYdX's liquidity provider rewards which you can read more about here. In fact, the incentive methodology is essentially a copy of dYdX’s successful methodology but with some adjustments including specific adaptations for binary contract markets with distinct books, no staking mechanic a slightly modified order utility-relative to depth function and reward amounts isolated per market. Rewards are distributed directly to maker's addresses daily at midnight UTC.


XFT liquidity providers will be rewarded based on a formula that rewards participation in markets (complementary consideration), boosts two-sided depth (single-sided orders still score), and spread (vs. mid-market, adjusted for the size cutoff*). Each market will configure a max spread and min size cutoff within which orders are considered. The amount of rewards earned is determined by the relative share of each participant’s $Q_{epoch}$ in each market multiplied by the rewards available for that market.

Variable Description
$S$ order position scoring function
$v$ max spread from midpoint (in cents)
$s$ spread from size-cutoff-adjusted midpoint
$b$ in-game multiplier
$m$ market
$m'$ market complement (ie NO if $m$ = YES)
$n$ trader index
$u$ sample index
$c$ scaling factor (currently 3.0 on all markets)
$Q_{one}$ point total for book one for a sample
$Q_{two}$ point total for book two for a sample
$Spread_{m_n}$ distance from midpoint (bps or relative) for order $n$ in market $m$
$BidSize$ share-denominated quantity of bid
$AskSize$ share-denominated quantity of ask

Equation 1:

$$S(v,s)= (\frac{v-s}{v})^2 \cdot b$$

Equation 2:

$$Q_{one}= S(v,Spread_{m_1}) \cdot BidSize_{m_1} + S(v,Spread_{m_2}) \cdot BidSize_{m_2} + \dots $$ $$ + S(v, Spread_{m^\prime_1}) \cdot AskSize_{m^\prime_1} + S(v, Spread_{m^\prime_2}) \cdot AskSize_{m^\prime_2}$$

Equation 3:

$$Q_{two}= S(v,Spread_{m_1}) \cdot AskSize_{m_1} + S(v,Spread_{m_2}) \cdot AskSize_{m_2} + \dots $$ $$ + S(v, Spread_{m^\prime_1}) \cdot BidSize_{m^\prime_1} + S(v, Spread_{m^\prime_2}) \cdot BidSize_{m^\prime_2}$$

Equation 4:

Equation 4a:

If midpoint is in range [0.10,0.90] allow single sided liq to score:

$$Q_{\min} = \max(\min({Q_{one}, Q_{two}}), \max(Q_{one}/c, Q_{two}/c))$$

Equation 4b:

If midpoint is in either range [0,0.10) or (.90,1.0] require liq to be double sided to score:

$$Q_{\min} = \min({Q_{one}, Q_{two}})$$

Equation 5:

$$Q_{normal} = \frac{Q_{min}}{\sum_{n=1}^{N}{(Q_{min})_n}}$$

Equation 6:

$$Q_{epoch} = \sum_{u=1}^{10,080}{(Q_{normal})_u}$$

Equation 7:


Equation Description/Explanation
1 Quadratic scoring rule for an order based on position between the adjusted mid point and the maximum qualifying spread
2 Calculates first market side score. Assume a trader has the following open orders:

- 100q bid on m @0.49 (adjusted midpoint is 0.50 then spread of this order is .01 or 1c)
- 200q bid on m @0.48
- 100q ask on m’ @0.51

and assume an adjusted market midpoint of 0.50 and maxSpread config of 3c for both m and m’. Then the trader’s score is:
$Q_{one}$ = ((3-1)/3)^2 _ 100 + ((3-2)/3)^2 _ 200 + ((3-1)/3)^2 * 100

$Q_{one}$ is calculated every minute using random sampling
3 Calculates second market side score. Assume a trader has the following open orders:

- 100q bid on m @0.485
- 100q bid on m’ @0.48
- 200q ask on m’ @0.505

and assume an adjusted market midpoint of 0.50 and maxSpread config of 3c for both m and m’. Then the trader’s score is:

$Q_{two}$ = ((3-1.5)/3)^2 _ 100 + ((3-2)/3)^2 _ 100 + ((3-.5)/3)^2 * 200

$Q_{two}$ is calculated every minute using random sampling
4 Boosts 2-sided liquidity by taking the minimum of $Q_{one}$ and $Q_{two}$ and rewards 1-side liquidity at a reduced rate (divided by $c$)
Calculated every minute
5 $Q_{normal}$ is the $Q_{min}$ of a market maker divided by the sum of all the $Q_{min}$ of other market markers in a given sample
6 $Q_{epoch}$ is the sum of all $Q_{normal}$ for a trader in a given epoch
7 $Q_{final}​$ normalizes $Q_{epoch}​$ by dividing it by the sum of all other market maker's $Q_{epoch}​$ in a given epoch this value is multiplied by the rewards available for the market to get a trader's reward

* The adjusted midpoint is a size-cutoff adjusted interpretation of a traditional midpoint ((best_bid+best_ask)/2) which is calculated using the equation (best_bid_min_shares_adjusted + best_ask_min_shares_adjusted)/2 where the best_bid_min_shares_adjusted is the price level at which the cumulative size of open bids, at or better than that level is greater than or equal to the min shares requirement and the best_ask_min_shares_adjusted is the price level at which the cumulative size of open asks, at or better than that level is greater than or equal to the min shares requirement.

Market Configurations

Both min_incentive_size and max_incentive_spread can be fetched alongside full market objects cia both the CLOB API and Markets API. Reward allocations for an epoch can be fetched via the Markets API.

Leaderboard Competitions

coming soon

Conditional Tokens Framework


All outcomes on XFT are tokenized on the Polygon network. Specifically, XFT outcome shares are binary outcomes (ie “YES” and “NO”) represented using Gnosis’ Conditional Token Framework (CTF). They are distinct ERC1155 tokens related to a parent condition and backed by some collateral. More technically, the binary outcome tokens are referred to as “positionIds” in Gnosis’s documentation. “PositionIds” are derived from a collateral token and distinct “collectionIds”. “CollectionIds” are derived from a “parentCollectionId”, (always bytes32(0) in our case) a “conditionId”, and a unique “indexSet”. The “indexSet” is a 256 bit array denoting which outcome slots are in an outcome collection; it must be a nonempty proper subset of a condition’s outcome slots. In the binary case, which we are interested in, there are two “indexSets”, one for the first outcome and one for the second. The first outcome’s “indexSet” is 0b01 == 1 and the second’s is 0b10 == 2. The parent “conditionId” (shared by both “collectionIds” and therefore “positionIds”) is derived from a “questionId” (a hash of the UMA ancillary data), an “oracle” address (the UMA adapter V2) and an “outcomeSlotCount” (always 2 in the binary case). The steps for calculating the ERC1155 token ids (positionIds) is as follows:

  1. Get the conditionId
    1. Function:
      1. getConditionId(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount)
    2. Inputs:
      1. oracle: address - UMA adapter V2
      2. questionId: bytes32 - hash of the UMA ancillary data
      3. outcomeSlotCount: uint - 2 for binary markets
  2. Get the two collectionIds
    1. Function:
      1. getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet)
    2. Inputs:
      1. parentCollectionId: bytes32 - bytes32(0)
      2. conditionId: bytes32 - the conditionId derived from (1)
      3. indexSet: uint - 1 (0b01) for the first and 2 (0b10) for the second.
  3. Get the two positionIds
    1. Function:
      1. getPositionId(collateralToken, collectionId)
    2. Inputs:
      1. collateralToken: IERC20 - address of ERC20 token collateral (USDC)
      2. collectionId: bytes32 - the two collectionIds derived from (3)

Leveraging the relations above, specifically “conditionIds” → “positionIds” the Gnosis CTF contract allows for “splitting” and “merging” full outcome sets. We explore these actions and provide code examples below.


At any time, after a condition has been prepared on the CTF contract (via prepareCondition), it is possible to "split" collateral into a full (position) set. In other words, one unit USDC can be split into 1 YES unit and 1 NO unit. If splitting from the collateral, the CTF contract will attempt to transfer amount collateral from the message sender to itself. If successful, amount stake will be minted in the split target positions. If any of the transfers, mints, or burns fail, the transaction will revert. The transaction will also revert if the given partition is trivial, invalid, or refers to more slots than the condition is prepared with. This operation happens via the splitPosition() function on the CTF contract with the following parameters:


In addition to splitting collateral for a full set, the inverse can also happen; a full set can be "merged" for collateral. This operation can again happen at any time after a condition has been prepared on the CTF contract. One unit of each position in a full set is burned in return for 1 collateral unit. This operation happens via the mergePosition() function on the CTF contract with the following parameters:


One a condition has had it's payouts reported (ie by the UmaCTFAdapter calling reportPayouts on the CTF contract), users with shares in the winning outcome can redeem them for the underlying collateral. Specifically, users can call the redeemPositions function on the CTF contract which will burn all valuable conditional tokens in return for collateral according to the reported payout vector. This function has the following parameters:


The CTF contract is deployed (and verified) at the following addresses:

Network Deployed Address
Polygon Mainnet 0x4D97DCd97eC945f40cF65F87097ACe5EA0476045
Mumbai 0x7D8610E9567d2a6C9FBf66a5A13E9Ba8bb120d43




Underlying all markets, and providing for an alternative trading mechanism to the central limit order book (CLOB) are fixed product market makers (FPMMs). These FPMMs are deployed upon market creation using a factory contract. As such, each market has a unique FPMM deployment/address. The addresses and associations of these deployments are indexed in the subgraph and made available via the Gamma API. The contracts themselves are also self-descriptive. As the name suggests, FPMMs implement a fixed (ie "constant") product scoring rule wherein the product of the tokens in the pool (ie the liquidity) is held constant. By maintaining this invariant, the price of a trade is calculated. Importantly, the tokens in the pool are outcome shares. Anyone can provide liquidity to the contract, and in return get ERC20 tokens representing their share of the liquidity pool. When users trade against the pool they pay a configured fee, in collateral, which is reserved proportionally for liquidity providers. When a trader buys shares from a pool, their collateral is split into the underlying conditional tokens, the token they are buying is kept and the rest are sold to the pool for more of the token they are buying. When selling, the user is actually trading the token for equal amounts of the other tokens in the pool (in the binary case just one other outcome token) and then the full sets are merged for collateral. The source implementation of the fixed product was developed by Gnosis.

Add Liquidity

Liquidity providers can provide liquidity to the pool in the form of collateral via addFunding(). The function has the following parameters:

Note: this is not front-run protected so should be used with a contract that enforces some protection against front running.

Remove Liquidity

At any time, liquidity providers can remove liquidity from a pool they are providing to via removeFunding() with the parameter:


Traders can buy outcome tokens from the pool via the buy() function with the following parameters:


Traders can sell outcome tokens to the pool via the sell() function with the following parameters:


FPMM Factory Deployments

Network Address
Polygon 0x8b9805a2f595b6705e74f7310829f2d299d21522
Mumbai 0x5a80a64c8ae0551b09c3df377b60953872c5aa7f


Proxy Wallets


When a user first uses to trade they are prompted to create a wallet. When they do this, a 1 of 1 multisig is deployed to Polygon which is controlled/owned by the accessing EOA (either MetaMask wallet or MagicLink wallet). This proxy wallet is where all the user's positions (ERC1155) and USDC (ERC20) are held. Using proxy wallets allows XFT to provide an improved UX where multi-step transactions can be executed atomically and transactions can be relayed by relayers on the gas station network. If you are a developer looking to programmatically access positions you accumulated via the interface, you can either continue using the smart contract wallet by executing transactions through it from the owner account, or you can transfer these assets to a new address using the owner account.


Each user has their own proxy wallet (and thus proxy wallet address) but the factories are available at the following deployed addresses on the Polygon network.

Address Details
0xaacfeea03eb1561c4e67d661e40682bd20e3541b Gnosis safe factory - Gnosis safes are used for all MetaMask users
0xaB45c5A4B0c941a2F231C04C3f49182e1A254052 XFT proxy factory - XFT custom proxy contracts are used for all MagicLink users

Bug Bounty

XFT has an active bug bounty program via Immunefi. Please direct any/all reports there.